3 Simple Steps To Lose Your Belly Fat

belly fat

You honestly attempt to consume appropriately and also you work out, even doing all those main exercises that are meant to target your tummy fails. You even comply with different weight reduction strategies. You don’t appear to have any success. Absolutely nothing seems to get rid of that persistent belly fat.

Maybe it is your genes. Maybe it is the lack of availability of exercise equipment that is necessary for exercise to get effective. Or it is the fact that you have to eat right, exercise just enough to keep your heart rate elevated, and then sit back and wait for the belly fat to melt off your body.

But have you ever thought about another option? Of course you have. But are you willing to do something about it? Of course not. You know that its your own fault for not doing the right thing, for not following the advice given to you by your trainers, the advice given by the fitness magazines and by doctors, by the food manufacturers.

You know that it is your own fault that your body is at the stage where you still feel tired and sluggish after working out, after doing the core exercises. You know that it is your own fault that you keep looking in the mirror only with your belly exposed. You know that it is your own fault you are not thin and beautiful.

So maybe you are not going to let yourself go, even though all the experts, the dieticians and the trainers have been saying it is necessary to let go of your belly fat.

I have been studying all the information and it seems that we will have to do something about that before its too late. The information has been given to us in a formula and we must take the formula as a suggestion and not as a command. Lets look at this now and then I will talk about this method of exercising.

1) If you want to lose belly fat without exercise, it will take a lot of exercising. You must take the advice of all the trainers and nutritionists who have been saying that the belly exercises are more important than the cardiovascular exercises. I do not know if it is true, but I believe that it is very true.

2) For the belly exercises, you must be seated and you must keep your legs bent and locked, the feet flat on the floor and the knees locked. The elbows must be kept up. The hips must be kept back and the waist pulled in.

3) Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then release the muscles and bend the knees and rise to the starting position.

If this seems difficult for you, then you will have to take the advice of all the fitness professionals and trainers and exercise differently. But it is true that you must exercise.

3) Let the exercise become a habit, start now and do 10 minutes per day of abdominal exercises.

Also doing it more than twice per week will be a great help. I do not know if you will be able to work out 10 minutes per day, but you will be able to do more if you keep at it for more than 30 seconds.

It was my experience that one more thing is very important. It does matter if you have your own place or not. If you live alone, it is easy for you to keep working out your body. If you live with others, it is harder for you to work out and keep working out your body. So it is better if you have a place where you can work out.

In this case, one thing is very important to take note.

1) If you have your own place, it will be harder for you to work out but you will feel more comfortable and will be more motivated to do so.

2) If you live with others, it will be harder for you to work out. This is because your neighbors do not want you to work out so you can ruin the appearance of their place.

3) If you have your own place, you will work out when you like, not when others want you to work out.

Again, these are just my experiences. This can be a huge help to you if you know this. I know you can do it. You have to keep at it and do whatever is necessary for you to keep working out and lose your belly fat.


Author: admin