Are you looking to make your website more search engine friendly? Do you want to raise the rankings of your website? Or do you want your website to rank higher in Google?
Well, if you are looking for a one stop shop site that offers a lot of useful information for the online visitor, then you have come to the right place. Let us discuss how to make your website more search engine friendly.
1. Make sure that you have the right domain name.
If your website is really a variation of the name you use to identify yourself on the internet, then your site should have your chosen domain name.
Don’t be lazy and pick your favorite keyword to call yourself, call yourself your own domain name. The reason being that you will need to use the keyword in your title, meta tags, description and content as well.
2. Don’t use your keywords every five words or so.
It is understood that keywords are one of the most important aspect of making a website search engine friendly. However, you need to vary the use of the keywords. Don’t be lazy and repeat the keyword at regular intervals.
Also, it is understood that a page needs to have a break after every 500 characters. So, if you are using your keyword once in the first paragraph, do the same in the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs.
3. Do not take the word business seriously.
You probably noticed that I didn’t mention business name. Why? Because people might go to your business site instead of your website. The reason is simple: Google always looks for a site that is already present on the internet.
That is the reason why it is called one of the fastest methods to have a website rank high. And that is why it makes sense to refer to your business site with the term first for a better search engine friendly ranking.