How to Find Keyword Phrases For Your Video

keyword phrases

keyword phrasesWithout doubt, YouTube tags are words and phrases that define your videos and offer even more context to assist individuals discover your content.

Knowing how to choose the right tag words and phrases can make all the difference in generating leads for your business.

But the problem is, these words and phrases are often over used or not used at all. It’s like throwing good money after bad stuff. You waste your money.

But there is a better way to fine Keyword phrases.

It’s a little complicated, but it works. The process involves finding the main keyword phrases that most closely describe your video.

The first step is to take your video, locate the “body” tag and find the most relevant keywords. If your video is about dogs, find the “body” tag for dogs. You can now copy and paste the most relevant keywords into Google’s keyword tool.

Once you find the main keywords that most closely describe your video, then you have your first set of phrases. You want these phrases to be as general as possible and as specific as possible. (example: dog training, dog training, how to, how to train your dog, dog training techniques)

After that, you want to find the next most relevant phrase, then the next most, then the next most, etc.

Once you have a large collection of phrases that describe your video, you need to find the next most general keyword phrase.

Until you have a large collection of keywords, you need to make sure you’re properly tagging your video. Make sure the tags are exact matches for your video’s content. Make sure the descriptions match your video’s content.

A collection of related phrases is much more targeted than just a collection of general terms. After you have collected the keyword phrases that most accurately describes your video, you now need to find the next most specific and so on.

This is just the beginning. There are many more steps and methods you can take to expand your keyword phrase collection. Remember to keep your collection of keywords as general as possible, but with enough specificity to give your video true attention.

Do not focus on keyword density alone. Focus on how the collection of keywords relates to your content. Take a look at the tags you are using for your video. Is it general or specific? Are they exact matches for your content?

Once you have a large keyword collection, now it’s time to find the next most general keyword phrase and so on. As you continue, you will start to see a trend to the next most specific and the next most specific, and so on.

The keyword phrases you now have should match your content and your video description. This allows people searching for that keyword to see your content when they are searching.

If you do not have the same keyword phrases with your content and your video description, your video may not show up when people are searching.

Hope this post helps you with finding an selecting your keyword phrases.

Author: admin