How to Manage Your Hair Loss Problem

hair loss

hair loss There are so many different types of hair loss. Not all of these can be treated, and some are permanent. This article will be discussing about the types of hair loss that are temporary and can be treated. Hair loss can come about from a few different situations, including hormonal, genetic, medications, and medical.

Hormones are big components to your personality and can become elements of your hair. So when your hormones change, it can affect the way your hair grows.

Causes of Hair Loss In Women

As a woman you can expect to see more hairs on your pillow in the morning than normal hair loss. The reason for this is not your scalp, but your body. When your body is in a stressful situation, its reactions are reflected in your hair, making it thinner or thicker.

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It can also be linked to medication that you may have taken, which can also affect your hair. This can include chemotherapy for cancer, birth control pills, and antidepressants. Medication for depression, high blood pressure, arthritis, as well as diabetes are all known to cause hair loss.

In some cases, your medications can also cause hair loss. The good thing about this is that once you stop taking your medications your hair will return to normal.

As a result, it is good to talk to your doctor about your medications, and if possible ask if there are possible alternatives. In other cases, there is nothing you can do about the medications, but you can learn how to treat the hormonal changes that can be temporary.

Hormones are a big part of your body, which can be linked to your hair. Not only can changing hormone levels cause hair loss, but there is also the hormonal fluctuations related to pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause, and post-surgery.

These changes can be temporary, so just because you are seeing more hair on your pillow than normal, does not necessarily mean you are going to go bald. In fact, just the opposite is true.

You may experience an increase in shedding, but does not necessarily mean that you are going to go bald. However, if it happens more often than expected, then this is an indication that your hormones are out of whack, and going to have adverse effects on your hair.

In addition to any medications you have taken, you should also talk to your doctor about any allergies or infections, as these can cause hair loss.

Also, talk to your doctor if you have skin rashes and itching. Also, have your yearly blood work done. These steps can help identify problems with your body that can cause hair loss.

You should also talk to your doctor if you are taking birth control pills. This is because birth control pills can make your hair fall out. This is because of the way that birth control pills affect testosterone levels in your body.

Alternative Treatment For Hair Loss

However, if this is the case, there are alternatives. The other alternative is to talk to your doctor about getting on hormone replacement therapy. This is the proper replacement for women with the effects on estrogen levels.

Many women do not take these steps because they do not want to, or do not know where to go. However, with the steps outlined above, you can begin your hair loss treatment process.

Author: admin